Past Projects

  • Raycraft, Justin. 2021. Islamic discourses of environmental change on the Swahili coast of southern Tanzania. Human Organization 80(1):49-60.

  • Raycraft, Justin. 2020. Seeing from below: Scuba diving and the regressive cyborg. Anthropology and Humanism 45(2):301-321.

  • Raycraft, Justin. 2020. The (un)making of marine park subjects: Environmentality and everyday resistance in a coastal Tanzanian village. World Development 126(1):1-12.

  • Raycraft, Justin. 2019a. “In search of a good life”: Perspectives on village out-migration in a Tanzanian marine park. Journal of Rural Studies 70(1):36-48.

  • Raycraft, Justin. 2019b. Conserving poverty: Destructive fishing gear use in a Tanzanian marine protected area. Conservation and Society 17(3):297-309.

  • Kamat, Vinay, Phillipe Le Billon, Rose Mwaipopo, Justin Raycraft. 2019. Natural gas extraction and community development in Tanzania: Documenting gaps between rhetoric and reality. The Extractive Industries and Society 6(1):968-976.

  • Raycraft, Justin. 2019c. From attention to distraction to attention: Considering an ADD Anthropology. PAN: Philosophy, Activism, and Nature 14(1):73-79.

  • Raycraft, Justin. 2019d. Circumscribing communities: Marine conservation and territorialization in southeastern Tanzania. Geoforum 100(1):128-143.

  • Raycraft, Justin. 2018a. Dilemmas of representation in contemporary environmental anthropology: Documenting dynamite fishing in southeastern Tanzania. Ethnobiology Letters 9(2): 289-298.

  • Raycraft, Justin. 2018b. Marine protected areas and spatial fetishism: A viewpoint on destructive fishing in coastal Tanzania. Marine Pollution Bulletin 133(1):478-480.

Current Projects

  • Raycraft, Justin. 2023. Wildlife and human safety in the Tarangire Ecosystem, Tanzania. Trees, Forests, and People 13(100418):1-11.

  • Kisingo, Alex, Justin Raycraft, Neema M. Lekule. 2023. Attitudes of communities living near Rau Forest Reserve, Tanzania towards Mount Kilimanjaro black and white colobus monkeys (Colobus caudatus): A pilot study. African Journal of Ecology 61:238-241.

  • Raycraft, Justin. 2022. Community attitudes towards Randilen Wildlife Management Area. In Tarangire: Human-wildlife coexistence in a fragmented ecosystem. Eds. Christian Kiffner, Derek Lee, and Monica Bond. Pp. 109-128. Springer: New York, NY.

  • Kisingo, Alex, Justin Raycraft, Baltazar Mboya. 2021. Community awareness of critically endangered pancake tortoises (Malacochersus tornieri) in a village near Tarangire National Park, Tanzania: A pilot study. African Journal of Ecology 00:1-4.